Wednesday, August 29, 2012

6 PM on a Mexican Subway

-6PM on a Mexican Subway-
Gregory McDonald was born and raised in Scotland. He grew up in Larkhall, a small Scottish town with a little over fifteen thousand inhabitants. The town looked like a page ripped right out of your favorite bedtime story and generally had a very peaceful feel to it.

Gregory lived on a farm with his mother and three older brothers just outside of the town. Even as a small child he enjoyed solitude and was generally with no more than four people at once. There was something about too many people that just made him feel anxious, he couldn’t quite explain it and thus tried to stay away from large crowds as much as he could. This wasn’t too difficult since he lived in a small town, but every now and then he would feel the pressure of large crowds eat away at his chest.

One time, when he was about thirteen years of age, a small traveling circus came to town. There were clowns, jugglers, trapeze artists, animal trainers and the works. There was an excitement roaring in town since not a lot of foreign entertainment came its way, but seeing that this small circus was in need of money, they decided to give Larkhall a shot. Everybody who was anybody was talking about the circus event and as it seemed that almost the entire town would go and see the show.

Gregory was very excited about the circus coming to town as well, not so much about the show but rather the idea of being able to travel all over the world. It has been one of Gregory’s dreams to one day pack his bags and set sail to a foreign land where he could explore any and all cultural riches every single country had to offer. The day before the circus was to debut he had decided to find a way to talk to one of the circus folk to explore his own traveling options. He thought that they should at least have some substantial insight to offer in order to guide his future endeavors.

When the big debut arrived Gregory was very excited yet at the same time he was experiencing a mild level of anxiety due to the number of people that were going to attend the event. Nonetheless he decided that if he truly wanted to get out of Larkhall he would have to muster up every bit of courage he had and simply go for it. His mother assured him that she would be with him the entire time and that he wouldn’t have to worry about anything bad happening that evening. There was a sense of peace about the fact that his mother would be with him through this stressful situation.

Throughout the rest of the day Gregory’s anxiety kept on increasing with every passing hour and roughly two hours before they would venture off to the circus, he was almost ready to call it quits. He walked into the kitchen where his mother was cooking dinner and stood there in silence for a while:

                “Gregory…are you okay? His mother asked.
                “Ye Ma’…well…I’m kind of nervous about tonight.”
                “Don’t worry ma’ boy, mother will be there to hold your hand”
                “I know, but…it’s hard. I’m feeling very nervous, like something is clawing at my chest”
“Well why don’t you make yourself some tea right now and in an hour we’ll see if you still want to go…okay?”

The soothing voice of Gregory’s mother restored some sense of confidence back into his heart and after he finished his tea he felt a lot better. The hour of their departure arrived and even though he was still on edge, he felt that he could do it. Gregory’s mother knew that her son had issues with big crowds, but she didn’t quite understand the severity of the situation. Nonetheless she always gave her unconditional support to help her boy become a man.

His mother knocked on his door and asked if he was ready to go. After a moment of hesitation Gregory simply nodded and they both went about their way. When they arrived at the big circus tent both noticed that the crowd was much bigger than anticipated. It seemed that the entire town was hungry for some circus action and everybody was determined to make it to the show. As Gregory saw this he began to break out in cold sweat, it became harder to breathe and he started panicking. His mother quickly realized that her youngest son was on the verge of breaking down and in turn gently squeezed his hand to remind him that he is not alone. This was all that was needed to give him the confidence to continue forward.
Arriving at the ticket booth they quickly purchased two tickets and made their way to their seats. Gregory was still very nervous with the crowd but knowing that his mother was right at his side, he thought he would be able to manage his anxiety levels throughout the evening. After everyone made their ways to their seats the show was about to start.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages…Welcome to Mexico’s International Circus. We have a great show planned for you this evening, showcasing some of the best talent this world has ever seen. We have magic, humor and death defying stunts that will keep you on the edge of your seats. So without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen…let’s meet the first act!”

The applause of the audience sounded like a heavy rain falling on a tin roof which made Gregory all the more aware of the size of the crowd. Still holding his mother’s hand he knew that despite the fact that he was feeling very anxious, he was going to make it through the entire evening. As the show continued Gregory became more involved with what was happening in center stage and eventually almost completely forgot that he was sitting in the middle of roughly one thousand people. He even worked up the courage to let go of his mother’s hand and felt that he made a big stride in facing his fear of crowds.

As the show came to its conclusion, the audience gave a standing ovation. It seemed that Mexico’s International Circus managed to keep everyone entertained and ended up staying for a week longer in order to maximize their profits. Gregory and his mother waited until a big portion of the crowd left the circus tent before they got up as well. He still wanted to talk to one of the circus folk, so he asked his mother if she could accompany him to where the performers were staying.

As they left the tent they realized that even though most people went out of the circus tent, they didn’t leave the premises. This meant that the crowd of a thousand-plus people was still huddling all over the grounds. Once more Gregory’s anxiety was on the rise, but his determination was stronger than his fear and managed to continue forward. When he got closer to where the performers were staying, he noticed that he wasn’t the only one in town with the desire to speak to the artists. There were easily about three hundred other people waiting to get an autograph or simply have their pictures taken with some of the performers.
While Gregory and his mother were making their way to one of the stars of the show an announcement was made with a bullhorn;

“Ladies and Gentlemen, for all of those who want to have a personalized and signed picture with Cindy (Cindy was one of the contortionists of the circus), form a line at the rear of the circus tent”.

The rear of the circus tent was exactly where Gregory and his mother were located in that specific moment, and with that announcement roughly three hundred more people started rushing towards where they were. As Gregory saw the hoard of people stampeding in his direction, he began to panic. Not even the gentle grip of his mother’s hand could ease his stress at this moment. The more the crowd grew the less secure he felt and from one moment to another he found himself separated from his mother.

The thirteen year old boy was lost in a sea of people, his anxiety clutching his throat making it hard to breathe. All he knew was that he had to get out of there; he couldn’t stand being there any longer. With snot and tears running off his face he began running in a random direction hoping to escape his peril. Every time he found a gap within the crowd he would make his way towards it until eventually there were no more gaps left to find. Just as he was about to break down he felt a hand grab his shoulder and yank him away.
At first he thought that his mother had found him and was now rescuing him from his dilemma, but as it turned out it was Cindy the contortionist.

                “Are you okay?” she asked in a soft and soothing voice.

Gregory was stunned and couldn’t utter a single word, yet he didn’t have to utter anything because his pale white face, tear shed eyes said more than he could ever speak.

                “Come with me, I know how crowds can be” she continued.

Gregory followed Cindy to her trailer where she told him to sit down and relax. In addition to her hospitality she vowed to help him find his mother. This made Gregory feel a lot better since finally he was out of the presence of the impressive group of people outside. A few minutes passed and Gregory mustered up the courage to speak to Cindy;

                “Ma’am…can I ask you something?”
                “Of course you can, what is it?”
“Well, I have always wanted to travel…and you seem to be an expert at traveling. So what I’m trying to say is…do you have any advice…tips?

Cindy remained quiet for a bit and then smiled.

“Well, traveling isn’t all that difficult. All you really need is money and a desire to travel. Look at me, I’m from Mexico and now I’m here in beautiful Larkhall. I think all you need is the determination to travel and all your heart’s desires will come true.”

                “And what’s Mexico like?” he asked.

As Cindy began to tell him of how special and wonderful Mexico is, Gregory’s imagination was sparked. He began envisioning everything she said and made up his mind that one day he will visit Mexico. Cindy and Gregory spend about forty minutes talking to each other before his mother managed to find him. When she arrived, both Gregory and Cindy could see just how worried she truly was. His mother thanked Cindy and invited her for dinner. Cindy declined due to the rules of the Circus but thanked her sincerely. She also mentioned on what a lovely boy Gregory was and that his mother should be proud to have such a fine young man as a son. Both Gregory and his mother felt very special that day and were smiling and chatting all the way back home. Before he went to bed that night he thanked his mother for going with him and ended off with one phrase;

                “Ma’…one day I will go to Mexico and explore it fully…you’ll see.”

She simply smiled and nodded and encouraged him to follow his dreams. It wasn’t too long after that Gregory drifted into a deep sleep. That night he dreamt of his adventures in Mexico, almost as if he was the Scottish version of Indiana Jones.

Ten years later Gregory was a handsome young man with a highly intuitive mind. Ever since he was thirteen he began saving for his trip and after ten years he finally had enough money to go on the adventure of a lifetime. He did manage to get his fear of crowds somewhat under control and now could easily handle up to two thousand people at the same time. It took years of hard work to get to this point, but he knew that he would have to master his fear in order to become a world explorer.

After he planned out his entire trip, the places he would visit and the things he would do, he bought his plane ticket and packed his backpack. In three days he would for the first time leave his small town and venture off to a far off land where he would actually live his dreams. Even though he was still a little nervous, his level of excitement was through the roof. The last two days he hung out with some of his friends and with his mother. Those last days were probably some of the best moments he ever shared with the people he knew and loved.

When the day of his departure finally arrived, everybody could see the excitement written all over his face. His flight was scheduled to leave that evening and nothing was going to make him miss it. He woke up at six AM in the morning to double and triple check if he had everything; money, clothes, passport and the works. Once he finally was sure that he had everything he needed, he took a train to the nearest airport. Gregory knew that his life from this moment would never be the same, a new chapter was about to start.

He slept throughout most of the flight since he took a few anti-anxiety pills before getting on the plane. After fifteen hours in the air he finally made it to his destination; Mexico City International Airport. Right before he came in for a landing he could see the vastness of the City…it was bigger than anything he had ever seen. He knew that Mexico City was the third largest city in the world, but he didn’t understand how big it really was. As he saw this image he could feel his anxiety levels rise slightly, but managed to keep it under control. His plan wasn’t on staying in Mexico City for too long either since he was more interested in the pyramids in Quintana Roo, which promised to be far less populated.

When he stepped out of the plane he could feel the heat and humidity hit him like a brick wall. The moment his feet stepped on the warm Mexican soil he felt a sense of victory…he had done it! He was finally out of his comfort zone and was on the verge of conquering his dreams. Mexico was only his first step also; he had so many other places in mind that he wanted to visit. After going through the entire migratory process he finally stepped out of the airport with his backpack strapped to his back. It was already night time in the City so he simply went to the closest hotel to spend the night there, the following morning he would begin his exploration of this new and exciting land.

That evening Gregory sent his family an email saying that he had arrived safely in Mexico and that he was truly excited. He mentioned several times in the email that the place was bigger than he had expected, but that he was truly happy to be there. While lying on his bed waiting for sleep to come over him he could only envision the adventures he would experience throughout the next few months. Eventually sleep came out the victor that evening and Gregory drifted deep into his subconscious.

The following morning he checked out of his hotel room and went for a traditional Mexican breakfast, Huevos con Tortillas which cost him about $50 pesos. He wasn’t too used to the salsas that were drowning the eggs, but he thought that this was just part of the experience. Afterwards he decided it was time to explore, but now in daytime there were many more people roaming the streets than the previous evening. He inquired about public transportation and where he should go first. After asking ten different people the common response was “El Zocalo” which is basically the center of Mexico City and holds a lot of interesting cultural sites he could visit.

Still being early he decided to hit that spot first before the multitudes of people showed up. He made his way to the nearest subway station and to his surprise only had to spend $3 pesos to get a ticket, which compared to his usual £2.40 was a definite bargain. After purchasing his ticket he went on his way asking for directions at every possible point with his broken Spanish. Mexico City’s Subway was massive and it was really easy to get lost, but slowly he managed to make his way to his destination.

It was still only 10 AM in the morning and even though there were a lot of people, he managed to keep his anxiety levels to a minimum. As he left the Subway station he walked right into the center of Mexico City’s “el Zocalo”.

The Zocalo is one of Mexico City’s most famous cultural sites as you can find government buildings, gothic churches and ancient remains of pyramids scattered all over. The area also has thousands of stores selling everything from traditional Mexican artifacts to the latest pirated movies costing no more than $15 pesos. Gregory was dumbfounded by his surroundings and began to wander and take pictures like any good tourist would. Within this state of cat like curiosity he completely lost track of time and failed to notice that more and more people were appearing all over the place. Even though consciously he wasn’t aware of what was happening, his subconscious was gnawing at his throat slowly raising his anxiety.

When it was almost 5 PM he realized that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast time and decided once more to go to a traditional Mexico Taco stand. After getting an order of “tacos al Pastor” he was ready to hit the road again. Only planning on staying a day or two more in Mexico City, and with a great desire to see places like Chiapas and Quintana Roo, it was apparent that it might have been time to find appropriate lodgings for the evening. Yet as he finished his meal he turned only to notice that the streets now resembled Mardi-Gras and were packed to the brim with people. If his anxiety level was at four before he started eating, it suddenly shot up to eight. He knew that he would have to leave soon in order to get out before he was totally consumed by his ever oppressive anxiety.

Quickly, he made his way to the nearest subway station, yet it would probably have been a better idea to take a taxi, even though nine out of ten taxi cabs would rip you off. Yet due to his current state of stress he couldn’t think clearly and decided to take the only way of travel that he had some experience in; the subway.
It took him about an hour to reach the nearest Subway station which resulted in his anxiety shooting up a bit more. The crowd only seemed to be growing with every passing step dampening his rational thinking abilities all the more. He looked at the stairway entrance of the subway station watching people stream in and out of it like a hive of bees disturbed by smoke. In his bewildered state he perceived that every single passerby was staring him straight in the eyes, which made him feel even more nervous about his surroundings. Without any further hesitation he decided to suck it up and get it over with. He began pushing his way down the steps towards the ticket booth.

The moment he made his way to the bottom of the stairwell he realized just how severe his journey would be. The amount of people increased at least tenfold since the first time he ventured unto the Subway, the ticket lines snaking all over the place. Luckily he purchased two tickets the first time around which meant that he could skip that first part. As he made it through the gates he only saw more people appear. It was almost like there was no end to the amount of people that surrounded him. His heart began beating faster, he started sweating and his face turned as white as snow. His critical thinking abilities were now so primal that his actions resembled that of a scared dog. He simply kept on pushing forward, not asking for any directions and solely having the idea of getting out of there before it’s too late. 

Every passing minute seemed to reveal more people that dampened his rational mind like hurricane winds would a flickering candle. He could feel the pushing and nudging of the hoard of people surrounding him, every nudge deepening his state of panic. He could hardly breathe anymore as he approached the waiting area for the train. He did however; manage to find a wall where he could rest while waiting for the train to arrive.

A quick look to the left and the right allowed him to realize that he was standing in the middle of a crowd at least three thousand people big, all pushing and shoving. The noise sounded to him like a marching army or a Wall Street buy-out, the humidity and air was getting thick and under his current state of panic was making it exceptionally difficult to breathe. The train took a bit longer than usual, but that could have been the result of Gregory’s obscured perception and inability to think straight anymore, every minute he spent waiting he only saw more and more people show up. He felt trapped, cornered like a wild animal on the verge of execution. Just as he was on the about to completely melt down he heard the distant shrieking of the train approaching.
“Finally,” he thought he would catch a break; he would be able to escape from this living hell. But just as the clock struck 6 PM he could see that his nightmare was far from over. The approaching train was sardine packed with people and due to the even smaller space inside the train; he perceived the crowd increase in size. He managed to peel himself off the wall and make it towards the train with shaky steps, but just as the train came to a complete halt and the doors opened, he wish he never left that wall.

A bell rang signaling that the doors were about to open. The doors weren’t even completely open when he felt a strong force coming from behind. He quickly gazed around and noticed that there were close to one hundred people behind him trying to make it inside before the doors close again. To top it off, there were only a few people trying to get out of the train. This meant that even if he managed to make it inside before the doors closed once more, he would be trapped inside with hundreds of strangers with no way to escape. In that moment he completely lost it.

He knew that he wouldn’t make it inside the train and had to get out of the Subway station as soon as possible, but with the gigantic force of people thrusting him forward there was almost no way out. He began yelling, only to find that his voice was drowned in the sound of a passing music vendor with a speaker lodged inside a backpack playing traditional Mexican country music. It’s common for vendors to walk up and down the subway trying to sell their illegal goods but in that moment it was the needle that broke the camel’s back.
Gregory began to panic; he felt that no one could hear him and that he was powerless to do anything about his current situation. The more he attempted to escape the crowd out the closer he was being pushed towards the train and the greater his anxiety became. Right before he was on the verge of being forced into the cart, he completely snapped. His vision first went blurry and then slowly started fading to black. The moment just before his vision was almost completely consumed, the blackness turned red.

He lost all sense of critical thinking and descended into a primal state of “fight or flight”. Since all his options of “flight” were taken away, the only thing left for him to do was to fight. Like a raging bull he pushed backwards with all his might knocked down an 80 year old lady trying to fight her own way onto the train as well. The sudden change of direction sparked a reaction in the crowd and through a collective effort they all pushed back sending Gregory flying forward. Luckily for him the train doors closed right before he was forced inside. Now the only worry he had left on his twisted and frightened mind was to get out of there as soon as he could and by any means necessary. When the pressure of the pushing crowd lessened he managed to turn around.

Through his panic he pictured distorted and hateful faces staring back at him, wanting to harm him. His mind tricked him into believing that they all wanted to do him harm, and it was all too much for him to handle. He began shouting like a mad man and started pushing those closest to him out of the way. This action ignited the people like gasoline would a fire and they all began shouting in response. Most of them were just inquiring about his actions, but in the mind of Gregory these were all threats.

                “Calmate señor, tranquilo” one of the faces in the crowd told him.

To the mind and ears of Gregory the message was received loud and clear; “Get ready to die Gringo!” That poor innocent bystander didn’t know what hit him when the twenty three year old Scotsman punched him right in the nose. This was not well received by those within his immediate area which in turn sparked an even greater response by the people. The shouts became louder, some people started pushing and a few ran to get a couple of police officers not too far off.

Every passing second made Gregory become more bewildered while the surrounding people tried to calm him down. As the police made their way through the crowd towards the center of conflict Gregory managed to break a few more noses in the process. At that specific moment a brawl broke out and in the mind of Gregory this meant only one thing; his greatest fears had just come true and at this point it was either “do or die.”
As the police approached Gregory, he grabbed one of them and threw him into the crowd knocking a few innocents down with him. It was obvious to the police that they were dealing with a madman and that extreme measures might be their only chance to quell the brawl. In their best attempts to communicate with Gregory they managed to utter a few broken phrases in English.

                “Señor, take it easy, no one wants to hurt you” the commanding officer yelled.

These words all fell on deaf ears as Gregory charged in the officer’s direction like an enraged Wildebeest running from the clutches of a hungry crocodile. The commanding officer quickly took out his can of mace that was strapped to his belt and prepared to spray Gregory. When the officer saw that there was no stopping this massive Scotsman he decided that to mace the foreigner would be the best case scenario. With the squeeze of the button the mace was sent into the air and managed to hit Gregory right in the eyes. The vapor and excess mace managed to spray a few innocent bystanders but also achieved its purpose of stopping the enraged tourist.

The sudden burning pain that Gregory was feeling managed to overrule his anxiety driven attack and rendered him temporarily blind. Screaming and grabbing his eyes he started stumbling backwards. The Police officer knew that if he wanted to finally stop this public outburst he could not hesitate for one second. He jumped in the direction of Gregory with the plan to submit him to the ground before any more damage was done, but what the officer didn’t calculate was that enough time had gone by for the next scheduled train to arrive.

Through the burning and blurred vision, Gregory could make out faintly that someone or something was approaching him, and in order to evade the advance of the officer he took one big step backwards. Yet due to his temporal blindness Gregory did not know that he was on the very edge of the ground right before the train tracks. His final step to safety turned out to be his first step towards his sudden and gruesome death.
Just as his foot hit the edge his backpack shifted his center of gravity backwards pulling him towards the train tracks. The police officer realized that Gregory was falling and now attempted to grab him before he went over the edge which had about a two meter drop to it. He reached out and managed to grab Gregory by the shirt only to find that the weight of Gregory and his backpack was far too much strain on the delicate fibers that the shirt was composed of.

The last sound that Gregory heard was the ripping of his shirt and then all went silent. He ceased to hear the shouting of the people, the screeching of the train, he also stopped feeling the burning sensation in his eyes. For the first time in Gregory’s short and uneventful life he felt something he had never felt before; peace. There was no more anxiety clawing at his throat, nor was there any fear.

As he was drifting towards his imminent death he didn’t feel any regret over his life; he knew that he gave it his all and would think of no better place to die than on one of his adventures, even though it was both his first and his last. In a weird way Gregory thought that dying would be his greatest adventure, and the means of his death was definitely going to be unique. Most people have uneventful deaths, but not his. He was ready, and all it took was less than one second for him to come to terms with his reality.

The moment Gregory hit the cold hard steel of the tracks he was knocked unconscious. Two seconds later, three point six tons of weight came crashing into his frail human body severing limbs and sending carnage all over those standing nearby. The police officer still holding the ripped piece of fabric in his stretched out hand received the biggest portion of blood and guts due to his proximity to the scene of the carnage. It should be noted that Officer Carlos Huerta (The one who tried to grab Gregory) resigned from the force that same day and lived the rest of his days addicted to anti-depressants and alcohol.

It took about a month before Gregory’s mother learned of what happened to her baby boy mainly due to the lack of diligence of the Mexican police authorities.  Her heart broke into minute pieces and she never managed to put it back together again. Life without her Gregory was too much for her to handle and eventually she suffered a complete nervous breakdown and was institutionalized in a state mental hospital. Her remaining living sons attempted to visit her daily, but it wasn’t too long after being institutionalized that she stopped speaking. A few weeks before she passed away it almost seemed that her spirit left her body while she was still living. It was almost as if her desire to be with her dead baby boy was so strong that she managed to “check out” earlier.

There were many elements at play the day that Gregory died that were set in motion more than a decade prior. No one would have ever known that a Mexican Circus performer by the name of Cindy, on a rare stop in the little Scottish town of Larkhall would be the angel of death that would predict the demise of young Gregory. While some might say that Gregory died too young, that there was more life for him to live, the truth was that Gregory had lived his life to the fullest, no matter how short. 

While Cindy the Contortionist did inspire Gregory to go to Mexico, she also gave him hope and a dream. She showed him that he can do anything if he so desired and even helped him to confront his acute agoraphobia. Yet even for those of us that do not suffer from the fear of crowds, being stuck in the middle of a Mexican Subway at 6PM in the afternoon can be a horrendous experience and can drive even the sanest man mad. The stain that once was Gregory, reminds us every day.